Mighty mic to the rescue!

Mighty mic to the rescue!

What do you do when you need to make and record a song during a global pandemic? 

You get creative! 

It was the height of the pandemic in the summer of 2021 and I had a really cool idea to make a song about ‘Picky Eaters’ because my daughter is the pickiest of picky eaters.

After some brainstorming, my awesome producer, DJ Dino, sent me a funky beat for the song via email and I started to write some lyrics about Picky Eating (which I was a new expert on).

That was the easy part… Now we needed to record the song but there were absolutely no recording studios open! After all, it was a pandemic.

My wonderful wife came to the rescue and bought me an early birthday present, a ‘Shure’ mini mic that connected to my iPhone and was capable of recording incredible sound! (I’m not sponsored by Shure, but it sure is a great mic!)

So I set out to record my lyrics and for the first time I was doing it in my basement! Now I needed a wicked chorus.

Luckily our amazing featured vocalist, Lady Unicorn, lives just down the street. So I hopped on my bike and rode our handy little ‘Shure’ mic down to her house – leaving it outside so that we all stayed socially distanced and safe.

Within 24 hours she had recorded the incredible chorus of ‘picky picky picky’ from the comfort of her home.

I downloaded the vocals and excitedly sent them to DJ Dino, and within a week we had a brand new ‘Picky Eaters’ song!

After thinking we would have to wait a whole year to record the song, it came together with a little help from my awesome wife, some cool technology and my wonderful ‘Rap Dad’ team!

So, that’s the story of ‘Picky Eaters’ and how a mighty mic and some creative thinking saved the day! 

Listen to how the song turned out here! - https://youtu.be/8J3UbNSdeeI

Lexy The Rap Dad - Friendly Fables

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